1 Year

Its been a full year of stories!  Thank you to all the contributors to our little site.  It has exceeded my expectations.  I think we have all enjoyed tapping into our story telling talents.  The writing has been fun, the reading even more so.  We have 80 funny, touching and interesting stories posted with over 11,000 views.  Its been fun watching the site stats;  Kristin certainly has a knack for tagging a story for optimum google search results.  Who knew so many people needed information about salal.

The site will stay open.  Who knows what kind of stories are lurking.  I hope that when a story strikes again, you continue to share your gems.

For fun-here are our top 20 most viewed stories:

Cutting Salal
On The Mountain Stands a Lady
Beaver Creek Road
70’s Sit Coms, Bad News Bees and The Talk
I Swear
Cucumber Sandwiches
Holiday Dinners-Ogmundson Style
Tony the Headless Man
WATCH OUT! The stove is hot

Go To Bed, Now, Tony
“Wait a second – Father Hennessy is going to tell us about Sex?”
Dad’s Boat
Lloyd joins the Navy
The Strap
A Tale of a Fateful Trip
10 Minutes

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